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Announcing 3 Men's Classes at the 50th Anniversary of 3HO Celebration at Summer Solstice Sadhana

The Conscious Man

What does it mean to be a man in today’s changing world? The answer is as diverse and multifaceted as the 3.5 billion men on the planet. Most cultural stereotypes of a man don’t allow for a complete realization of who we really are—or our potential. 


In this workshop with men only, we tap into new sources to access the greatest possibilities in our career, home life, and health. Using Kundalini Yoga and meditation, we learn practical methods to realize our mental, spiritual, and physical potential so we can meet our personal goals in all aspects of life—from romance to prosperity.

With teachers Sopurkh Singh and Nirvair Singh

Men's Sacred Circle

In this experience designed for men only, we will have the opportunity to release fears and awaken to a new experience of our true selves. We will start with a Kundalini Yoga Meditation as a way to balance, circulate and uplift the prana in our bodies to be in an alert, conscious and intuitive state. From there, we will settle into a sacred talking circle with a ceremonial talking stick. It is a time for men to share our struggles and turn them into prayers.

2 Circles led by Sopurkh Singh

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